July/August 2011
Dear Pastor and Praying Friends,

win prizes, and hear the Gospel being preached. Josiah got dressed up like Mickey Mouse and quickly got into character, running up and down the street giving high fives and shaking the hands of the children. He enjoyed it a lot, and it was great to see the kids coming out of their homes and hear them screaming: “ES MICKEY MOUSE!” Within a half hour, we had 75 children all participating and listening to the preaching, and many of the children received Jesus Christ as their Saviour.
Our Spanish-language training went well while we were in Mexico. We learned many new words and have started putting broken sentences together.
As July ended, we were sad to say goodbye to all the friends we had made while in Mexico, but we were also excited that we were finally heading to Peru. Our flight went well, and we arrived just a few hours before the deaf services started at Iglesia Bautista Efata. As soon as we got in, we ran out and bought a bed and a few small appliances. It was the first time in two years we had bought anything for a home we could call our own. The very next day, the Hubbards and the Fousts arrived, and by Friday we were scouting out the city.

I approached a man and gave him a tract. He asked me for another tract for his son. As his Spanish was too fast for me, I asked Brother Hubbard to come over. About 30 minutes later, both the man and his son asked Jesus to become their Saviour.
The following Tuesday, the rest of the team arrived, and after one day of sightseeing, we started looking for areas of the city where we could plant the new church. Time and time again, Chorrillos keeps coming up; and there are many opportunities in that portion of the city, as well as many places to live. Over the past week, I have had the opportunity to preach in the deaf service and in Sunday school classes. My family and I have been out soul winning, and while the language is currently an impediment for us, we know that will always not be that way. As we learn it, we will be able to better serve our Saviour here in Peru.
The Kotvas family have been wonderful hosts, and the whole team is in agreement that Mrs. Kotvas is an incredible woman. Brother Kotvas has been a wealth of information; he has helped and sacrificed much to host a large team on the survey trip. Josiah is making friends with their children and with the students at the school here. There are orphans and children without families, and they are so friendly that you can’t help but love them.
Praise Reports:
While the team was here in Peru with us, we (the team) saw 27 saved. Some of those we saw saved came out to church, and 1lady was baptized.
Prayer Requests:
We will be starting language school in September, and I have decided to try and pick up Spanish sign language at the same time. Please pray that the language comes quickly. I really want to be able to give the Gospel clearly in Spanish without using an interpreter.
Danica-Lee heads back to college on August 22. She will be starting her junior year at Hyles- Anderson College. Time seems to be flying by so fast. We miss her dearly. We saw her in May just before we left for Mexico City, and we are praying there will be enough funds to bring her down during Christmas break.
Please pray for deputation to go well and quickly for the rest of the team; we miss them already. The spring seems so far away to see them again but yet so close to get so much done and accomplished.
New Mailing Address:
The Szabatin Family
C/O Efata Ministries
Apartado 18-1280
Lima 18, Peru
South America
Thank-you for all you support,
Your Missionaries to Peru,
The Szabatin Family
Paul, Andrea, Danica-Lee & Josiah
I John 5:13