Dear Praying Friends, October 1, 2011
Greetings from beautiful Alaska! As I write this letter, we have just finished our first of four weeks in Alaska. This is a trip we have been looking forward to for a very long time. I have said it before, but I often wonder how many of these wonderful trips we would have taken had it not been for deputation. Besides the wildlife, snowy mountains, and vibrant fall colors, there are many great churches here with an amazing burden for missions. So glad this trip has just begun!
There is so much this fall season brings. Many churches across the country seem to have their missions conferences between September and November. Conferences are always exciting to take part in. I’m glad we are able to attend many this season. Besides these, our schedule is full of several individual meetings as well. Prasie the Lord! In September our travels took us to eight churches in Maine, Connecticut, and Alaska. We enjoyed being able to spend some time with many of our dear friends from college, great pastors, sweet missionary families, as well as making many new friends at each church.
I wanted to share an amazing story with you. While in Maine one Saturday, we were out bus calling. As we got to the end of our street, there were a few apartments around a small courtyard. As we knocked on one of the doors, a young lady and her two young boys came to the door. As we introduced ourselves to her and handed her a tract, she said, “You’re the one that can answer my questions. I’ve been waiting for you!” To make a very long story short, Jessica and I spent about 45 minutes in her home answering a lot of questions and dealing with a ton of hurt. I’ve never had someone who had never been to church quote the plan of salvation along with me. She had been searching for so long but would not believe that Christ would take her just as she was. She did not get saved but promised to come to church the next day. Sunday morning came, and we picked her and the boys up on the bus and took them to church. At the invitation, she asked if Jesus really would take her just as she was. Yes!! With tear-filled eyes, she put her faith in Christ! Glory to God! Aren’t you glad that He took you just as you were! I wish I could write more, but there is simply not enough space! Overall, we were able to see 13 people saved this month. God is so good.
Thank you again to all of our faithful supporters. Deputation and our ministry in Peru would not possible without you. To date, we are at 55% of our needed support. God continues to supply! I am so grateful to the many churches and people who have caught our vision to get the Gospel to South America. I would like to especially thank our most recent supporters, Blessed Hope Baptist Church in Michigan and Amazing Grace Baptist Church in Kansas. We are that much closer!
On a final note, I would be remiss if I neglected to mention one very
important event from this past month. Any man in the ministry knows that an essential part of every ministry is a good wife (Proverbs 18:22). One may think he is a great, productive man of God; but if he does not have a supportive, holy, encouraging, and Christ-honoring wife, his ministry will always be hampered. I am so very thankful that God has blessed me with a wife who is all those things and many more. At the beginning of this month, Jessica and I celebrated our seventh wedding anniversary! Nothing I do now on deputation or one day in Peru would be possible without her by my side. God has been so good to me.
Your ambassadors to Peru,
Junior and Jessica Martin
Romans 9:3