Friday, September 16, 2011
Observations of a Missionary's Wife on Deputation (The Serious Ones)
Sep 7
Posted by juniorsgirl
Woohoo!!! I am back in a part of the state where I have 3G capabilities. The past four days we stayed in the quaintest farm house, but there was nothing for miles. If I stood on one foot, my head tilted to the right, and the phone pointed toward the window, I could maybe get a text to go through, but internet was a distant memory. This happens quite often while traveling, but this would be part of the snarky ones so…moving on…
Now that I can access my blog again, I wanted to give you part two of my random posts. I started with the more humorous side of deputation. You can read that one here: . These are my good tips. Hope you enjoy.
1.) You will get to travel & see some of the most beautiful places in America. I would never have been to almost any of the sites we have seen if not for deputation. Bring a camera!!! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Capture it.
2.) You will get to spend oodles of quality time with your husband. I know what you’re thinking ladies, this is a snarky one. But you are sorely mistaken! Junior is my best friend. I enjoy every minute we get as we travel. I wouldn’t want to spend it with anyone else. Make sure you cherish it. You will miss is when you get to the mission field and he is busy in the work.
3.) You will become reacquainted with why you love America so much. You can’t travel through Boston and Philadelphia and not remember the great heritage we have. It’s impossible to drive past acre after acre of pure lushness in the prarie states and not marvel at God’s hand of blessing. The West is a perfect example of the hard working pioneering spirit of Americans. I am so proud to be an American. God bless the USA.
4.) You will get to see miracles. I could spend hour upon hour telling you all the ways God has come through for us. A life of faith can be scary, but oh so sweet! Be prepared for your faith to grow by leaps and bounds as you watch God take care of you in unexpected ways. ‘Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus! Just to take Him at His Word!’ ~ ‘Living by faith in Jesus above. Trusting, Confiding in His great love!”
5.) You will hear and meet and spend time with thee greatest preachers in the country. Take notes!!!! Even if it’s just when they call & invite you to dinner cause you’re in the area, you will want to remember their words of wisdom & advice. Your husband will take notes to steal the sermon outline. You will need to remember the rest. Soak it all in. It will be one of your life lines when on the foreign field.
6.) On that same note, you will get to meet some of the most amazing women in the ministries across the country. What an invaluable resource they have become for me! Not only take notes, but buy any books they may have. Milk them for their years of experience & wisdom. I have had cooking lessons, piano lessons, sewing tips, speaking advice, singing pointers from ladies who excel at these things! Getting the benefits of the masters. You could never get all of these ladies in one place to teach you what you can while on deputation. Don’t miss out!
7.) There will be multiple opportunities to be a blessing. It is such a good feeling to know that across the country we have helped start bus routes and our visitors are still coming, we have painted bathrooms, installed speaker systems, ran children’s churces, cleaned out buildings, had all night prayer meetings, and all around loved people everywhere we went. You will feel like you leave a piece of your heart each place you visit.
8.) Deputation is the Refiner’s Fire. You will be overwhelmed at the vision for your field every time your husband presents it. You will feel inadequate. Unworthiness will haunt you as you are showered with praise and admiration at the churches you visit. As painful as it may be, being humbled is so good for you. Don’t shy away from it. God just wants to bring you forth as gold.
9.) You will begin to realize what is truly important. All those things that you couldn’t live without and you cried when you had to sell them ~ now that you’ve been on the road for a few months have lost their hold on you. They weren’t a necessity at all. Your relationships become more meaningful and possessions are forgotten. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also…
10.) The unsung heroes of Christianity will cross your path daily. The ones who will never speak at a national conference or write books, or receive grand recognition with plaques and statues, but those who are the most genuine, selfless, unassuming Christ-like individuals you will ever know. I am so glad I have been able to meet them this side of eternity. Oh, the crowns they will receive in heaven! And I can already picture them quietly laying them all at Jesus’ feet.
Did I make you want to be a missionary??? Good! Come to Peru! I can honestly say it is an amazing life God has given me.
I am so blessed…
~ Jessica
*You can see all of Jessica's posts on her blog
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Observations of a Missionary’s Wife on Deputation (The Snarky Ones) ;)
Observations of a Missionary’s Wife on Deputation (The Snarky Ones) ;)
Posted by juniorsgirl
I think every blogger has the right to a completely random post every now and again. If that is not true, please leave me in my state of wrongness. For these are mine.
I am breaking my randomness up into two posts. Both are my “observations” or “tips” on deputation. This one is the sarcastic & silly one. I don’t even know if anyone will read this, but to the faithful few, I ask to please remember the spirit this was written in. Just a cute way to poke fun of some of my mistakes & experiences. Hope you enjoy…
Random Observations:
1.) You will have to go to the bathroom immediately upon seeing the highway sign: ” Next Rest Area: 119 miles.” Be prepared for an extended time of discomfort. **Adult diapers could also be a way to go in this situation. Not for me…but to each her own.
2.) Churches need to get some type of activities director so when we get together we have things to do besides…EAT!!! Until that happens, buy clothes two sizes too big. You will fit them by month eight. <<< True. Story.
3.) When taking a nice hot shower, without fail the prophet’s chamber hot water heater will break as soon as your head is covered in shampoo suds. You can count on it. Take it to the bank.
4.) On the few occasions the pastor calls you up to the platform, you WILL trip on something invisible and stumble. Don’t try to fight it. Just fall gracefully & with a smile preferably.
5.) Somewhere along mile 4,628, you will start playing those car games that used to drive you crazy when your parents tried to play them with you on family vacations. Now you will wonder why you ever despised them. Thy are such a fun way to pass the time.
6.) You will start collections of some kind. Whether magnets in the shapes of every state, t-shirts with every state’s motto printed on them (I.e. “Iowa is thee I-O-WAY to go), or 50 keychains attached to your two keys…whatever your momentos may be – you will have so many, there will no longer be room for your luggage. *It’s usually the husband’s stuff that gets cut back so your three suitcases for your shoes are safe.
7.) You will wake up and have NO idea where you are. On the days you have traveled through multiple states, it gets confusing! If this happens, you can do one of the following: if there’s a tv where you are, check the news. They usually say the city name; if no tv, and you have good reception, check Google on your smartphone. It can pinpoint your location. *creepy. I know. But at least you won’t be lost anymore. If no reception and no tv, pray. Pray that someone around you says the name of where you are before you meet the pastor.
8.) Plans will change!!! Suddenly you wont be going to relax at a hotel, you will be speaking at a ladies meeting. Always keep a back-up pair of nylons handy. You will need them for when you run the first pair while changing in the car. Scratch that. Have TWO back-ups. Trust Me.
9.) YOU WILL SING. Can’t carry a tune in a bucket? You will sing. Have excrutiating stage fright? You will sing. Have laryngitis? Just croak it out, sister! I suggest carrying music with you. Something you are somewhat familiar & comfortable with because ~ you. will. sing.
10.) After about church # 37, you will have your video & your husband’s presentation memorized. Try not to mouth the words along with him or the video. People will notice and will ask you to quote it later in front of a large crowd. Just for kicks & grins. <<< Another. True. Story.
I wanted to put a after all of these so you would remember to read them in the attitude intended, but I didn’t want to over- emoticon you. Hope these brought at least a smirk to your face! Life is so hard if you can’t laugh at yourself!!!
Stay tuned for “The Serious Ones.” Coming Soon! Happy Weekend!
Love ~ Jessica
**You can see all of Jessica's posts on her blog
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
July-August Prayer Letter

For His glory,