Wednesday, July 18, 2012

June Prayer Letter from the Martins

July 3, 2012

Dear Praying Friends,

It’s hard to believe June has come and gone! For months we had been counting down to our arrival in Peru, and it is almost surreal to think we have been here for exactly two weeks! God has been so very good to us in our journey. As much as we longed for the end of our deputation, our travels taught us so many invaluable lessons that will always be with us. The churches we visited and the friends we made will always be very near to our heart as well.

Our trip to Peru was almost seamless! Our fellow teammates, the Szabatins, were so gracious to drive us up to Toronto. The check-in process at the Toronto airport started off a little rough, as we were told none of our baggage (which was a lot) was going to make it to Peru (very long story)! God quickly intervened, and we, along with our six totes, three carry-ons, and dog made it onto the plane. I wish I had the time and space to share all the “I love yous” God gave us along the way. We had a very smooth flight and then a 7½-hour layover in Bogota, Colombia. We were not sure how we were going to care for our small dog, but security quickly fell in love with her, as did all the drug-sniffing dogs! Once again, God showed us He was watching out for us. We then made the short flight into Lima. Believe it or not, we breezed through customs without a single question, retrieved ALL of our luggage, and only one tote was searched! I think we must be in God’s will!! Around 1:00 Wednesday morning, we were greeted at the airport by Bro. Dan Hubbard, Bro. Zach Foust, and a cup of Starbucks! Thank you to each one of you who have been praying. Your prayers have truly made a difference.

Our two weeks in Lima have gone by so fast. After being in the staging home for only three days, we moved into a temporary apartment in Chorrillos. What a beautiful area! Chorrillos is the district where we will be permanently located and where our church will be. We have spent a lot of time searching for the right apartment and for a church building. Please pray that God continues to guide us and give us the wisdom needed to make the right decisions. We have three beautiful apartments we are looking at and trying to “negotiate.” The negotiation process is certainly different than in States, and we want to make sure we get what is best for our family. After being without a home of her own for over a year, I am eager to give Jessica a place she loves and can call her own.

Since our arrival, we have officially started the Iglesia Bautist Internacional! We are currently meeting in Bro. Hubbard’s apartment but are looking at an ideal piece of property. Please pray that God will open the door for us if this is His will. Having the church started is great, but in our current neighborhood, it is hard for the people to get to us. I am eager to get the church in a permanent location in the midst of the people, so we can begin bringing in multitudes of Peruvian people!

We have spent much time walking up and down the streets of Chorrillos, praying for and talking to the people. We have been able to give the Gospel to many and have over a dozen people and/or families interested in visiting our church. God also has already opened a door for us to begin a home Bible study next week. Please continue to pray for the people of Lima. I have such big dreams and aspirations, not only for our district but also for the rest of Lima and all of Peru. In a city of 9 million people and a district alone of 260,000 people, I cannot wait to see what God will allow us to do!

Thank you to each of you for your faithful prayers and support. Jessica and I are so thrilled to labor in Peru on your behalf. I cannot wait to get through this time of acclamation and transition and consume myself in the ministry. We have spent much time purchasing appliances, apartment hunting, ordering furniture, acquainting ourselves with the stores and public transportation, and working on our visas. Although all this is necessary, I long to turn my attention solely to reaching the people of Peru. The Peruvian money unit is called a sol. Everytime I am asked for “just one sol,” I cannot help but think of the countless souls around me who need to hear the Gospel. Thank you for believing in us and for praying for us. I can hardly wait to see what amazing things will happen in July!

Your ambassadors to Peru,

Junior and Jessica Martin
Romans 9:3

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