Dear praying friends,
Our first month in Peru was phenomenal! At the same time we arrived in Peru, our team’s container cleared port authorities. During our first week we helped move boxes. While getting settled we helped our team move into our first team office, and we helped to prepare a new church property. For the entire month our church has been setting up chairs on the sidewalk for people to listen through the windows because there is no more space inside. Our new property was a carpenter’s shop. We have
cleared off junk, cleaned, built, cleaned, restored, cleaned, painted, and cleaned. The entire team spent all new years eve preparing for a watch night service. The turn-out was great! We arrived in Peru to witness a team that is already moving forward at full throttle. Our team is already preparing for 3 other churches to be started soon.
My wife is having a great time leading people to Christ. Because of my language barrier my progress is slower for now, but I was still able to lead one to Christ. Another blessing was to watch my Peruvian soul-winning partner lead his granddaughter’s boyfriend to Christ. Of course if your girlfriend’s grandfather came to your house talking about death and hell, you might want to get saved too. His
granddaughter and her boyfriend have been coming to church since.
My Spanish is growing faster than ever. I look forward to my classes with Br. Vallejo Sr. On Friday nights Br. Mark Miskovic is allowing me to teach in Spanish for a few minutes at his Bible study. For the first week I gave my testimony with a plan of salvation. Br. Abraham Avila gave the invitation and two were saved. Oh, Happy Day!
Thank you to everyone who helped us with our start-up fund. We had just enough for our basic furnishings. We are looking forward to being used of God in a great way. We thank the Lord for enabling us to be a part of Team Peru. God is just beginning to do something great here. Please pray that he will continue to use us. Thank you for your love, prayers, and support. God bless you.
His for souls,
Mark, Sarah, Savannah, & Paul Rader
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