Thursday, March 21, 2013

February Prayer Letter from the Foust Family

Dear Supporting Churches and Praying Friends,

Thank you for all of your prayers and fasting for the starting of the church in San Gabriel. This truly has been an example of the power of prayer in spiritual warfare. None of the great victories we have seen in the last five weeks since our previous prayer letter would have been possible without your prayers. Since January 27 through services and soul winning, more than 65 people have prayed, trusting Christ as their personal Saviour in San Gabriel. This is truly the greatest victory of all, the victory that comes when an eternal destiny is changed from Hell to Heaven and another soul is bought by the blood of the Lamb! To God be the glory.

Another victory to report is that God is using the Peruvian people to get the job done in the new church plant. We have a core group of workers who diligently assist by soul winning and visiting on Thursdays and Saturdays. It has been a great joy to watch as these new Christians experience the joy that comes as they lead another to Christ or encourage a Christian brother. Additionally, these workers lead the children’s classes, lead the singing, sing specials, and do personal soul winning during the invitation.

A new Bible study has been started in San Gabriel. At this time it is being led by a young Bible college student who is visiting our church during his summer break, but in two weeks Bro. Paul Yanez will be taking this Bible study over. What a great victory! Bro. Paul has been working with us in San Gabriel since we started with a simple Bible study there some months ago. Now he will be begin teaching the Bible on his own. Please pray for him and for this Bible study to grow.

Between 30 and 40 people are attending the services on Sunday and Thursday in San Gabriel. We are running out of room in the house that we are in now, and we ask that you pray for God’s will to be done regarding renting a suitable space in which to grow.
We have the goal of starting another church from this church in San Gabriel. The people are as excited about this as we are. Please pray about this as well.

Our church in Chorrillos is doing very well. God has been blessing tremendously. We have seen many victories in the lives of the people. Bro. Ezequiel Martinez has taken the adult Sunday school class that I was previously teaching and is doing an excellent
job. We miss being there on Sunday mornings but are very glad to leave the class in such capable hands. We are very thankful for the Martinez family who moved to Peru last month and are already such an integral part of the ministry here.

This month we will begin an institute/seminary, training our church people and men for the Lord’s work. Please pray about this as we begin this new endeavor.

Our family is doing well. Homeschooling is going very well. The boys’ Spanish is coming along nicely, and we have enjoyed some amazingly beautiful sunny weather this summer. (Summer for us is December, January, and February). Our health has been good. Best of all, we received a visit from Karin’s sister, Kristen Green, this month. This was a huge blessing to us, and we had an awesome time.

Please continue to pray for us. We feel the Satanic influences very strongly in San Gabriel. However, we believe that Jesus is more powerful and that God wants a strong church there more than we do. God is doing great things here in Lima, Peru. Thank you
for your prayers and support.

His for souls,

Zach and Karin Foust
Zachary, Caleb and Logan

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