Dear Praying Friends and Supporting Churches,
It often comes as a surprise that it is time again to write another prayer letter! We are actually a week late because it seems to us that time is flying. It is indeed a blessing to be involved in the Lord’s work. We love being busy serving the King of kings.
June was a very exciting month at the church plant in San Gabriel. We are so excited to report that we moved to our new building. We have been there for four weeks and have watched our attendance grow each week. We are extremely blessed to now have space to grow and a nice room for the children and babies. Last Sunday there were 18 children in class! These are largely children whose parents attend church with them, of course.
We are so excited to see whole families attending church together! We are praying that these dads, moms, and kids would continue to grow in the Lord and that our church would have a strong foundation of families built on Christ.We have started a Sunday evening service in San Gabriel. This has been a big blessing for many of our people who must work on Sunday mornings and afternoons. This service has also grown some each week. Last Sunday evening, July 8, we finished our evening service at 5:30 and then took a group of 22 people to IBI Chorrillos to help celebrate the 1st anniversary of our church there! What a blessing to see more than 200 people attend this service. Bro. Hubbard preached an excellent message reminding us to be thankful for the blessings of the year. When he asked for people to give a testimony of what God had done for them in the past year, person after person raised their hand and testified as to God’s saving grace in their lives, families put back together, and hope restored. At the end of the service, I was able to baptized 5 of our dear people from San Gabriel. What an awesome God we serve! We are thrilled to have had a part in this year of blessings!
Please, please continue to pray for Team Peru. We need your prayers, because we need God’s blessing more than ever before. We now have four churches in different parts of Lima; each of these churches and pastors need prayer support. We need prayer for those training for the ministry and those training to help as laymen in the church. We need prayer for our Bible institute. We need prayer for the families of the missionaries here as we continue to adjust to living in a third-world country and experience bouts of culture shock. We are so thankful for the prayer warriors we have supporting us; you encourage our hearts. Thank you.
One additional prayer request: I will be traveling to Moquegua by plane this month to preach for an anniversary service for a friend. While there I will be taking a look at two new churches started by Bro. Alan and Bro. Fernando, two young men who trained with us for a few months recently. These young men are doing a tremendous job. Please pray that I will be a blessing to these churches and that I will have safety in travel.
His for souls,
Zach and Karin Foust, Zachary, C.J., and Logan
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
June Prayer Letter from the Rader Family
Dear Praying Friends,
Greetings from cool and cloudy Peru! That’s right. We are now in our winter season, but our ministry is fired-up and hotter than ever. All four churches and various Bible studies here are growing, and excitement is high. Every Sunday evening service we hear the reports from the pastors and workers of all the churches of how many came, how many were saved, and other blessings. It’s a HIGHLIGHT!
I am still in part-time language school with the construction moving full speed ahead. My wife is involved in nursery and special music. I am involved in Junior Church and special music. Bro. Abraham Avila does an outstanding job with the Junior Church. As my Spanish grows, he gives me more responsibilities. I am leading a few games, witnessing to visitors, and helping with crowd control.
Speaking of visitors, my wife and I both now have had visitors come on a regular basis, and many have been saved. One of our regular Peruvian members brought a friend two months ago named John. John was saved and baptized the same Sunday. A few weeks later, he started working with me on construction at the church. Since then he has come soul winning with me every week. In spite of my growing Spanish, I still read a lot of my written Gospel presentation, which I had translated. That first week we went soul winning together, I was a little discouraged for John’s sake. I read my Gospel presentation many times, but no one that day would quite let me finish. I did not know it at the time, but God was doing something marvelous in John’s heart. I gave my written presentation to John and asked him to study it. The next week John led his first soul to Christ. The following week he led his second soul. Two weeks later he led his third soul. He now helps with our invitations. Amen! Amen!
My wife has started training a young lady named Leslie to win souls. She is just as eager to learn as John. She went out soul winning for the first time with my wife; and later that same week, she and her mom,while out together, led their first 2 souls to Christ. Amen! Amen! Please pray for John and Leslie.
In our last letter, we mentioned our struggle concerning our permanent-residency status. It turns out that we do need to leave the country and re-enter. The cheapest arrangement we found is a trip to Ecuador in August. Please pray for the details to go as smoothly as possible. Another prayer request we have is also an announcement of one of life’s biggest blessings: please pray for the safe arrival of our third child into this world. That’s right—we’re expecting!
Many days here have been rich with blessings. May we always remember our friends back home who are helping to make it all possible. I wish you all could experience the life of a missionary, but I know we all have our part to play. Please pray that God will continue working here. We love you. Thank you for your love, your support, and your prayers. God bless you.
His for souls,
Mark, Sarah, Savannah,
Paul, & One More Rader
Greetings from cool and cloudy Peru! That’s right. We are now in our winter season, but our ministry is fired-up and hotter than ever. All four churches and various Bible studies here are growing, and excitement is high. Every Sunday evening service we hear the reports from the pastors and workers of all the churches of how many came, how many were saved, and other blessings. It’s a HIGHLIGHT!
I am still in part-time language school with the construction moving full speed ahead. My wife is involved in nursery and special music. I am involved in Junior Church and special music. Bro. Abraham Avila does an outstanding job with the Junior Church. As my Spanish grows, he gives me more responsibilities. I am leading a few games, witnessing to visitors, and helping with crowd control.
Speaking of visitors, my wife and I both now have had visitors come on a regular basis, and many have been saved. One of our regular Peruvian members brought a friend two months ago named John. John was saved and baptized the same Sunday. A few weeks later, he started working with me on construction at the church. Since then he has come soul winning with me every week. In spite of my growing Spanish, I still read a lot of my written Gospel presentation, which I had translated. That first week we went soul winning together, I was a little discouraged for John’s sake. I read my Gospel presentation many times, but no one that day would quite let me finish. I did not know it at the time, but God was doing something marvelous in John’s heart. I gave my written presentation to John and asked him to study it. The next week John led his first soul to Christ. The following week he led his second soul. Two weeks later he led his third soul. He now helps with our invitations. Amen! Amen!
My wife has started training a young lady named Leslie to win souls. She is just as eager to learn as John. She went out soul winning for the first time with my wife; and later that same week, she and her mom,while out together, led their first 2 souls to Christ. Amen! Amen! Please pray for John and Leslie.
In our last letter, we mentioned our struggle concerning our permanent-residency status. It turns out that we do need to leave the country and re-enter. The cheapest arrangement we found is a trip to Ecuador in August. Please pray for the details to go as smoothly as possible. Another prayer request we have is also an announcement of one of life’s biggest blessings: please pray for the safe arrival of our third child into this world. That’s right—we’re expecting!
Many days here have been rich with blessings. May we always remember our friends back home who are helping to make it all possible. I wish you all could experience the life of a missionary, but I know we all have our part to play. Please pray that God will continue working here. We love you. Thank you for your love, your support, and your prayers. God bless you.
His for souls,
Mark, Sarah, Savannah,
Paul, & One More Rader
Thursday, July 11, 2013
June Prayer Letter from the Kokubun Family
Dear Praying Friends,
One of the biggest joys of working in a growing ministry is getting to see our teenagers involved in the ministry themselves. The fact that we have already started three other churches means there are a lot of areas for our teenagers to serve. Many of them help with the other church plants, and some work in more than one! The young people teach children's classes, sing
specials, go soul winning, work in the nurseries, take down names and decisions in the services, serve as ushers, and clean the facilities. On Saturdays during our soul-winning time, along with visiting around our home-church area, we have also visited at all of the new church-plant locations. One weekend we went to San Gabriel, and our group was able to see 26 people saved. Another weekend we went to San Genaro and saw 14 people receive Christ! It's amazing to see the young people get
excited about reaching others for Christ.
Several months ago we had Bryan and Kevin join us for a teen activity. Soon we realized that they weren't coming for anything, and we began to hear stories of their mom, stories of how she was unreasonable and warnings to just leave her alone. In an attempt to win Bryan and Kevin back, I went one day and spoke to her. Contrary to what I had heard, she was kind and explained that her boys could attend but that she was waiting for someone to come to explain to her what our church was all about. I had a lengthy conversation with her that day, and that following weekend her boys came back to our church and were baptized. Several weeks later, she wanted to come to church. Her brother is a faithful member at our and encouraged her to come. She came, was saved, and the very next week got baptized!
By this time we had also heard stories of their dad, an alcoholic. The boys started requesting prayer for him, and not long
after that, he came and was saved. He even came back to church that night! He has continued coming faithfully, along with his wife and two sons, to each service we have. We thank God for this family! But, the story does not end there. Several
weeks ago, we had two more boys begin to attend our youth classes, and they just happened to be the nephews of Bryan and
Kevin. Both of them were also saved and actually spend the weekends with their grandparents (Bryan and Kevin's mom and dad.) Yesterday at church Bryan and Kevin's older brother and his wife came to church. They both received Christ's free salvation.
Praise God for this "whole household" that has come to the saving knowledge of Christ! God truly does miracles!
My wife and I have settled quickly into our new apartment. It's now painted with American colors (AKA neutrals—no hot pink walls for us!) and feels like home. We love being closer to the people God has called us to serve. It's good to know that our teenagers and people can walk to our home if they ever need anything.
Thank you for your prayers and giving. We indeed are most richly blessed.
Serving Him,
Daniel and Heather Kokubun
One of the biggest joys of working in a growing ministry is getting to see our teenagers involved in the ministry themselves. The fact that we have already started three other churches means there are a lot of areas for our teenagers to serve. Many of them help with the other church plants, and some work in more than one! The young people teach children's classes, sing
specials, go soul winning, work in the nurseries, take down names and decisions in the services, serve as ushers, and clean the facilities. On Saturdays during our soul-winning time, along with visiting around our home-church area, we have also visited at all of the new church-plant locations. One weekend we went to San Gabriel, and our group was able to see 26 people saved. Another weekend we went to San Genaro and saw 14 people receive Christ! It's amazing to see the young people get
excited about reaching others for Christ.
Several months ago we had Bryan and Kevin join us for a teen activity. Soon we realized that they weren't coming for anything, and we began to hear stories of their mom, stories of how she was unreasonable and warnings to just leave her alone. In an attempt to win Bryan and Kevin back, I went one day and spoke to her. Contrary to what I had heard, she was kind and explained that her boys could attend but that she was waiting for someone to come to explain to her what our church was all about. I had a lengthy conversation with her that day, and that following weekend her boys came back to our church and were baptized. Several weeks later, she wanted to come to church. Her brother is a faithful member at our and encouraged her to come. She came, was saved, and the very next week got baptized!
By this time we had also heard stories of their dad, an alcoholic. The boys started requesting prayer for him, and not long
after that, he came and was saved. He even came back to church that night! He has continued coming faithfully, along with his wife and two sons, to each service we have. We thank God for this family! But, the story does not end there. Several
weeks ago, we had two more boys begin to attend our youth classes, and they just happened to be the nephews of Bryan and
Kevin. Both of them were also saved and actually spend the weekends with their grandparents (Bryan and Kevin's mom and dad.) Yesterday at church Bryan and Kevin's older brother and his wife came to church. They both received Christ's free salvation.
Praise God for this "whole household" that has come to the saving knowledge of Christ! God truly does miracles!
My wife and I have settled quickly into our new apartment. It's now painted with American colors (AKA neutrals—no hot pink walls for us!) and feels like home. We love being closer to the people God has called us to serve. It's good to know that our teenagers and people can walk to our home if they ever need anything.
Thank you for your prayers and giving. We indeed are most richly blessed.
Serving Him,
Daniel and Heather Kokubun
June Prayer Letter from the Martin Family
Dear Praying Friends,
There is something very special about the name Pastor. With all the joy and excitement of starting a church, very quickly comes the reality of the name Pastor. Pastor is more than making visits and soul winning. Pastor is more than writing sermons and preaching. Pastor is usually always said by hurting people, people who need prayer, people who need counsel, people who need to be loved. That is the greatest part of being Pastor.
In the short life of IBI San Genaro, I have made two hospital visits and preached one funeral. For the last three Saturday nights, I have been preaching on trials and temptations to help our people realize how God is working in their lives . . . and He is! It is amazing to watch and be a part of this. God has blessed our young church.
Recently Arnol, a young man in our church, was released from the hospital after being stabbed seven times and spending seven days in a coma. I went to visit him with Jhonny Farfán, one of the men who helps me. While visiting him Jhonny was able to lead 5 of his family members to Christ! We took him home that day to meet many more of his family members and neighbors. God opened an amazing door for us, and in the next week, Jhonny should be starting a Bible study in this home. God is always working.
Last week I was also able to start a new Bible study in the home of one of our church men. José León has brought many people to church and has somewhat of “Christian” background. He has a heart to serve and a strong desire to grow. He was so excited when I offered the Bible study to him. I arrived on the first night and taught on eternal security. By the end of the night, 21 people came to hear the teaching. Please pray for this study and for this family. I believe God has something very special in the future for the León-Masgo family.
Of course, things are still booming at our main church in Villa Marina. It is hard to believe this Sunday we will be celebrating our one-year anniversary as a church. God has blessed us in a great way. We are still averaging over 100 in all of our Sunday services, and all three of our satellite churches are seeing growth. In the month of June, all of our ministries saw a total of 222 people come to know Christ.
One more story I have to share. One of the families we recently reached in San Genaro has three children. After our Saturday night service, they asked if they could come down and attend the children’s church in Villa Marina. “Of course,” I said. So, for the last three Sundays, I have been picking them up and taking them home each Sunday morning. Last week we were heading to their house after church, and Alexandra was talking to my wife. “Were you here in Peru last year?” she asked. “Yes!” said my wife. “We have been here exactly one year.” “You don’t remember us, do you!?” she said. Very surprised, my wife said, “What do you mean?” She began to tell us a story about when she and her two cousins followed a white lady around the market. She received a tract from our church and was told one day there would be a church in her neighborhood. She got her picture taken with the “white lady” and went home and wished that one day the “greingos” would have a church she could go to with her famiy. Immediately with amazement, my wife remembered! It was us. When our San Genaro church was only a dream, we met Alexandra and her cousins, never knowing our paths would cross again. Later that afternoon we found the picture taken in September—eight months before our church started! Now Alexandra, Piero, Esther, Benjamin, Ysabel, Sandra, Cristina, and Gresia are all on their way to Heaven. What an amazing God we serve!
July is going to be a great month. My birthday was today and our church’s anniversary is the end of this week. I am tempted to let you know all the blessings I have experienced already, but you will have to wait till next month! I know you love suspense (or you are already reading everything on Facebook). Besides there will be many more blessings to share.
Thank you to everyone who makes what we do possible. Your influence is making an incredible difference here in Lima and is felt in our personal lives every day. Thank you for your faithful giving and praying. Each of you are a great blessing to my wife and me. God bless you, and I cannot wait to tell you about July!
Your ambassadors to Perú,
Junior and Jessica Martin
Romans 9:3
There is something very special about the name Pastor. With all the joy and excitement of starting a church, very quickly comes the reality of the name Pastor. Pastor is more than making visits and soul winning. Pastor is more than writing sermons and preaching. Pastor is usually always said by hurting people, people who need prayer, people who need counsel, people who need to be loved. That is the greatest part of being Pastor.
In the short life of IBI San Genaro, I have made two hospital visits and preached one funeral. For the last three Saturday nights, I have been preaching on trials and temptations to help our people realize how God is working in their lives . . . and He is! It is amazing to watch and be a part of this. God has blessed our young church.
Recently Arnol, a young man in our church, was released from the hospital after being stabbed seven times and spending seven days in a coma. I went to visit him with Jhonny Farfán, one of the men who helps me. While visiting him Jhonny was able to lead 5 of his family members to Christ! We took him home that day to meet many more of his family members and neighbors. God opened an amazing door for us, and in the next week, Jhonny should be starting a Bible study in this home. God is always working.
Last week I was also able to start a new Bible study in the home of one of our church men. José León has brought many people to church and has somewhat of “Christian” background. He has a heart to serve and a strong desire to grow. He was so excited when I offered the Bible study to him. I arrived on the first night and taught on eternal security. By the end of the night, 21 people came to hear the teaching. Please pray for this study and for this family. I believe God has something very special in the future for the León-Masgo family.
Of course, things are still booming at our main church in Villa Marina. It is hard to believe this Sunday we will be celebrating our one-year anniversary as a church. God has blessed us in a great way. We are still averaging over 100 in all of our Sunday services, and all three of our satellite churches are seeing growth. In the month of June, all of our ministries saw a total of 222 people come to know Christ.
One more story I have to share. One of the families we recently reached in San Genaro has three children. After our Saturday night service, they asked if they could come down and attend the children’s church in Villa Marina. “Of course,” I said. So, for the last three Sundays, I have been picking them up and taking them home each Sunday morning. Last week we were heading to their house after church, and Alexandra was talking to my wife. “Were you here in Peru last year?” she asked. “Yes!” said my wife. “We have been here exactly one year.” “You don’t remember us, do you!?” she said. Very surprised, my wife said, “What do you mean?” She began to tell us a story about when she and her two cousins followed a white lady around the market. She received a tract from our church and was told one day there would be a church in her neighborhood. She got her picture taken with the “white lady” and went home and wished that one day the “greingos” would have a church she could go to with her famiy. Immediately with amazement, my wife remembered! It was us. When our San Genaro church was only a dream, we met Alexandra and her cousins, never knowing our paths would cross again. Later that afternoon we found the picture taken in September—eight months before our church started! Now Alexandra, Piero, Esther, Benjamin, Ysabel, Sandra, Cristina, and Gresia are all on their way to Heaven. What an amazing God we serve!
July is going to be a great month. My birthday was today and our church’s anniversary is the end of this week. I am tempted to let you know all the blessings I have experienced already, but you will have to wait till next month! I know you love suspense (or you are already reading everything on Facebook). Besides there will be many more blessings to share.
Thank you to everyone who makes what we do possible. Your influence is making an incredible difference here in Lima and is felt in our personal lives every day. Thank you for your faithful giving and praying. Each of you are a great blessing to my wife and me. God bless you, and I cannot wait to tell you about July!
Your ambassadors to Perú,
Junior and Jessica Martin
Romans 9:3
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