Dear Praying Friends,
The past six weeks passed as a whirlwind! In the beginning of June, I spent twelve days in the States helping with FBMI’s Missionary Candidate School, meeting with Pastor Wilkerson, and having my annual cancer checkup at Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. It was a very productive twelve days. I received the best report I’ve had since my cancer diagnosis, as none of the tumors experienced any growth in the last year! Praise the Lord! It seems that the treatment they gave me shortly before leaving for Peru worked. They gave me another treatment for this year.
Upon my return to the field, we began to plan for the one-year anniversary of our main church in Villa Marina. I am thrilled to report that the anniversary service was incredibly blessed by God. We had 242 attend Sunday morning and 201 Sunday night. Both of those attendances broke any previous records we have had. There were 30 saved in the services that day alone! The
Spirit of God was evident, and it was exciting to see our facility nearly maxed to capacity!
The four other church plants of our team are steadily growing. We could write volumes to record the testimonies of these precious people. The evening service of our anniversary was sweet, as we had representation from each of the church plants. We had a time of testimony of the blessings of God. What a joy it was to hear individual after individual testify of their love for Christ and the change He has made in their lives. The words of Christ echoed in my heart, “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.” (John 12:32) God alone deserves the praise and glory for the miracles we’ve seen this past year, likewise,gratitude to each of you who sacrificially give and faithfully pray for our team and our ministry.
We began our fourth week of modular Bible seminary that same week. I never tire of the zeal I see in the members of our church. They want to learn all that they can. They are so excited to be a part of all that is happening in south Lima.
We also had the privilege to host Missionary Xavier Lopez and five men from his church in Bolivia. They came to see first-hand the blessings of God upon our ministry. I believe the five days we spent together will reap eternal rewards, as Bro. Lopez is excited about church planting in Bolivia. We enjoyed sweet fellowship.
We are looking forward to this next month, as we have launched two new Bible studies that have the potential to be churches before long. My family and I will be leaving Peru for ten days in August because of the children’s visa issues. My wife and I have our residency; however, Peru changed the laws while we were working on the children’s residency, and they ended up overstaying their visas. It is not a major problem; we just need to pay a fine and take the children out of the country so that we can begin again under the new laws. Please be in prayer that all will go well with this trip.
We are so grateful for your support of our family and this ministry. We are happy to be your ambassadors to Peru. Thank you!
For His glory,
Dan Hubbard
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