Monday, December 26, 2011
"The Small Stuff" by Jessica Martin
Where was He? Where was the God who so sweetly carried me on angel’s wings as I was thrown from the car? Where was my Friend whose arms shielded me from the shattered glass and held me as I lay on the highway? Had He performed His miracle to prove Himself mighty to the world and forgotten about me? Why had silence fallen with no one coming to tell me I was a living miracle anymore? Had I done something wrong? Or was I just being used as a display of God’s power?
Boy, how the devil waits for those vulnerable moments of quiet to weasel his way into questioning God. That’s his oldest, dirtiest trick ~ But it works and that’s why he keeps using it. You see, there was no way I was going to hear his whispers of deceit over the grace and mercy screaming God’s goodness during the accident. No. He waited for the quiet. The darkness before dawn. The solitude. Unfortunately for him, my God is in the small stuff.
Let me use another’s story to illustrate. Elijah, one of the greatest men of God to ever live (he actually never died but that’s a different story…), I think gets a pretty bad rap sometimes when people tell his story of running away from Queen Jezebel. Maybe it’s just me, but I totally get him. God had just used him to call down fire from heaven. He made the prophets of Baal look like the followers of the fake god they truly were. He did it alone. No one in Israel stood with him and God. Elijah waited for hours as 450 men mocked him and called out to Baal. The people fell on their faces after the LORD showed Himself mighty through Elijah. Then Elijah prayed and it rained in Israel. He must’ve been exhausted, emotionally drained… completely spent.
The first news that reached his ears was that the queen was grateful for the rain he prayed back to Israel… NOPE. Or that she wanted to thank him for bringing back the power, favor, and worship of the one true God… definitely NOT. Actually, she was not going to rest until she hunted him down and killed him. So Elijah ran and this is where he just threw up his hands and said that’s enough for me. He probably thought: “Where is He? Where is the God that strongly defeated my enemies? Has He performed His miracle just to win back the fickle heart of Israel and forgotten about me?” About this time, Elijah sunk beneath a juniper tree and asked to die.
God didn’t listen to his request. He said no. Instead, He sent an angel & fed him. Twice. The second time was such good nourishment, Elijah lived 40 days off of it. Elijah still felt the need to hide which he did inside a cave. So God decided to ask Elijah what he was doing. Elijah explained that he had stuck up for Him all alone and now his life was threatened. He felt forsaken. That’s when God decided to pass by. When He did, it created a strong wind so mighty in power that it caused a rock slide down the mountains. But the LORD wasn’t IN the wind. God sent an earthquake that about shook Elijah out of his hiding place. Still Elijah didn’t budge. The LORD wasn’t IN the earthquake. Then came fire from the LORD – just as Elijah had called down to defeat Baal. Even the familiar miracle didn’t calm Elijah’s fear for the LORD wasn’t IN the fire.
Wait! What was that?!? A Voice?!? Elijah strained his ears and leaned closer to the mouth of the cave. There it was again! The Voice didn’t thunder. It wasn’t fiery with anger. It was still. It was small. But the LORD was IN the Voice. And that made all the difference. Instantaneously, Elijah’s fear was gone! He felt love, confidence, grace, mercy, inspiration, and great awe. The Voice brought him out of his cave of fear, depression, loneliness, and questioning. Only because the LORD was IN it.
Now back to a hospital room in Indiana where I was looking for a cave to hide in. Hide from the fear of having to cancel our meetings, the mounting medical bills, ~ from all the things looking to kill my joy. To Hide with my new best friends: self-pity, despair, and loneliness. Then I heard it. A Voice. I know that Voice! It’s the SAME One I heard in the thunder and quaking of the crash, only now it was still ~ bringing assurance & confidence. It was small. Small enough to wrap around my heart or hold my little hand. Just what I needed now that the miracles had been performed.
God loves being in the small stuff. He lives with me in the nitty gritty details of daily living. Just like He fed Elijah, He will care for my needs. I’m not just a pawn in His quest for glory (although He would be worthy to be used up for) ~ that is not Who He is. He gives us miracles as signs and wonders to keep our wandering hearts close to Him or to point lost souls to Him, but He loves the small stuff. We never give Him credit for the non-flashy stuff. We were made, not to hold the staff to part Red Seas, but to walk with Him. Talk with Him. The simple stuff. We think if its not fire from heaven or earth splitting quakes, then the Almighty God of the universe must not be in it. Yet, this is the God that instead of coming to rule and reign over His creation, came as a lowly Jewish carpenter and DIED a horrible, cruel death to save it. The small stuff…
Now when the devil starts to whisper that God doesn’t care, there comes a Voice. It doesn’t bellow or rage. It just speaks. And the Presence IN that Voice stops the devil in his tracks, makes him choke on his ugly words, and causes him to flee.
I can’t wait for the day when I actually hear that Voice. I hear Him speak the words, “I love you” with my ears. But truthfully, I hear it every day. In the verses I read in my devotions, the meals He always provides, the friends that He puts in my life, the secret requests only He knows about and answers, the roses He sends me… there are so many ways, if only I wasn’t listening for the sound of a rushing mighty wind, or the roar of a fire. If only I was tuned into the Voice. I just need to be still and pay attention to the small stuff…
He’s IN that.
~ Jessica
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
"But the Greatest of These Is..." by Jessica Martin
The stars were so bright. The inky black sky made them sparkle. I could see my breath form a cloud in the icy air. I blinked a few times. There was a stranger holding my hand. He yelled to his friend that I was awake. She came rushing over and they both started asking me question after question. I smiled. I wasn’t sure how it had happened, but I knew there had been a crash, I was hurt, but I was going to be ok. I needed these two good Samaritans to know the same Peace I had. No matter how grim it seemed or how bad I looked to them, God had opened my eyes. I was going to be ok…
As I lay on the road, asking my new friends their names & where they were from, a truck driver had stopped to help my husband. Junior couldn’t walk because of his broken ankle, so the truck driver pushed through the glass and metal to find my cell phone so Junior could call family. Junior got ahold of my mom and brother ~ who put it on Facebook, and immediately people all over the country and the world started praying for us ~ all while I was on my back on the side of Interstate 80 in the Nevada desert.
As I was placed in the helicopter, more people started praying as the news spread. I hummed Scripture songs the whole flight. Others fell to their knees in their homes as I was wheeled into the trauma center for scans to find the internal injuries they were sure were there. As others brought my name before God’s throne of matchless grace, the trauma doctor peered over my neck brace, looked into my eyes, and said, “You are a miracle! No internal bleeding! No head trauma!”
A sheet was pulled over my stomach as the surgeon told me not to look at it. In state after state, heads bowed and hushed tones whisphered my name to heaven. The surgeon looked confused and told me, “Your stomach is shredded, but no internal organs were cut. No surgery required. We can just staple you back together. I hope you know that you should not be here. You should not be ok. You are one lucky lady.”
Goodness and mercy followed me my whole hospital stay. I am healing and waiting at the airport to fly home to Chicago as I type. God looks to and fro throughout the earth and looks for ways to show Himself mighty and what a mighty miracle He gave us! All of the grace poured into what was broken, the peace that passed all understanding, the Joy that gave me strength for each mile. But the greatest of all of these is.
.. LOVE.
I didn’t need to hear beautiful poems or challenging short stories. I needed sincere, sweet, genuine words. LOVE is kind. I didn’t need someone who could explain the mystery of why this was happening with all their understanding & knowledge. I needed someone who figured out how they could help me and met my needs no matter the inconvenience to them. LOVE seeketh not her own. I didn’t need someone who’s faith was so strong they could come, lay hands on my abdomen, and heal me with no scars. I needed someone who would cry with me sometimes, trust with me that there was a purpose for this, push me to keep on through the pain, and point me to the big picture. LOVE beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things… I needed LOVE.
And, wow! Did He love on me!!! He sent me YOU! Thank you, each and every one of you! If you prayed for us, even just one prayer! If you sent me kind words, met a need we had, lifted our spirits, pushed us to keep believing ~ you have CHARITY. You don’t have to be gifted to have charity. You don’t have to be popular, you can love without ever being noticed. Charity is unassuming, in the shadows, unnoticed, background work, not flashy, hard, selfless, and unthanked. It will gain you no notoriety, no fame. But it is the most needed thing in this world and sadly, the most lacking.
There abides in this world those with strong, convicting, polarizing, attention-getting faith, unshakeable, soul-stirring, world- reknown hope, but in God’s book, the greatest of these is those who love.
Thank you to everyone who loved me through many different ways through this time in our lives. I may never get to say thank you properly or as you rightly deserve. Thank you for being my friends. Thank you for being people of charity.
In this world, YOU are the greatest of these…
I love you!
~ Jessica
Monday, December 19, 2011
Martin family prayer letter for November
“Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Ephesians 5:20
For our family, November has always been a month for thankfulness. We truly have so much to be thankful for, from our health to our country, our friends and family, and each and every little thing we so easily take for granted. I think about God’s grace, love, mercy, provision, power, and presence; and any attempt to say “thank you” seems so insufficient. God is so very good to us, so much better than we deserve.
Thankful for Deputation: We are thankful for where our travels took us in November. We began the month already in California and spent most of our time traveling between central and southern California. In addition, we had meetings in New Mexico and Arizona as well. What amazing people and churches! Overall, we were able to be in eight different churches.
Thankful for Soul Winning: What a privilege we have to share the Gospel! I am so thankful that God not only loved us enough to give us salvation, but He allows us to share that salvation with others. Over this last month, we were able to see 16 people accept that gift of salvation. God is so good! One quick story: While in central California, Jessica and I were out knocking on doors. We came across a Spanish lady named Carmen. After talking to her for a few minutes, Jessica began to witness to her in Spanish. As they went through the Bible, Jessica explained that Christ had died for her and that salvation was a free gift. As Carmen read the verses with her, she said, “Que bonita (how beautiful)!” A few moments later, she accepted that gift! Praise the Lord!
Thankful for Friends: We are so thankful for the many friends we have made and for those who have partnered with us while on deputation. This has become so especially apparent to us this month. God has knit our hearts with so many choice people across the country. Just this month we were able to meet many precious people from Lima. Our hearts instantly connected! We are especially thankful for the 20 people and churches who have helped us reach 70% of our support in just 11 short months.
Thankful for Protection: There is no doubt in my mind that God has something very special awaiting us in Peru, and He has constantly been watching over our team. As many of you may already know, on November 20, we began to make our way back to Indiana for Thanksgiving. While on I-80 passing through Fernley, Nevada, we were involved in an auto accident. Our vehicle rolled multiple times, and Jessica was thrown from the car. We were both transported to a hospital in Reno, Nevada. Jessica was bruised severely, fractured six ribs, received eight stitches in her lip, and over 80 staples around her side and abdomen. I shattered my ankle and underwent surgery that night. I am so very thankful that things were no worse than they were. God definitely overshadowed us. We spent three days in the hospital; and, with some help from our church and family, were able to fly back home to continue recovery. I am also thankful for the folks of the Sierra View Baptist Church of Reno who came to our rescue! Pastor and Mrs. Eric Tastet, the Traynors, and the Allens spoiled us and took such good care of us during the time we were there. Words cannot express our gratitude toward everyone who has been so kind to us during this time.
Thankful for Prayer: Please continue to keep us in your prayers. We have a long recovery ahead of us and will be home all of December. I will have surgery again in a few days, and then I will be off my leg for six more weeks. Jessica had all of her staples removed but must wait for her ribs to heal naturally. Fortunately, we were not doing a ton of traveling this month, so we have only had to cancel five meetings. Please pray that our injuries heal quickly so that we can hit the road again on January 1. We are so close to the end of our deputation and so eager to get down to Peru. I can only hope this doesn’t set back our departure.
We are so thankful to all of you who sent cards, made phone calls, sent gifts, and remembered us in your prayers. We are perfectly sheltered in God’s will, and in due time we will see how God will use this for good in our lives. Until then, we will keep on pressing for the mark. There is nothing better than serving Jesus!
Your ambassadors to Peru,
Junior and Jessica Martin
Romans 9:3
Friday, November 18, 2011
Leadership Qualities
I Peter 5:1 The elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an elder, and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed:
2 Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind;
3 Neither as being lords over God's heritage, but being ensamples to the flock.
4 And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away.
5 Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.
6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:
One of the greatest qualities and necesary traits of a leader is humility. Peter is teaching two groups of people in this passage about leadership. First he is speaking to the elders. The word elder refers to one of the three names that we find in the New Testament referring to a Pastor. Three titles (all referring to the same position) are:
1) Pastor
2) Elder
3) Bishop
I would like to focus on the word elder. In this case, I believe Peter is referring to leadership in general. Allow me to note that the word “elder” is not referring to a person’s age but his position of leadership and his maturity. It speaks of a leader that he should be wise, seasoned, and mature in his leadership. Peter reminds them that they should be a good example to the flock.
Now, notice in verse 5, Peter addresses the younger or the young men. Once again, I believe he is not referring to those that are young (although, it does apply) but rather is referring to those “young” in experience and maturity of leadership.
Look at verse 6. He says that a younger man will be exalted in due time. The younger man will be exalted from “younger” to “elder” or rather from follower to leader. God does the exalting when a young man is ready.
Now, what makes a “young” man ready to become an elder?
Look at verse 5. He says that a younger man should submit. Submission to leadership is a sign of humility.
Then, he says to be clothed with humility.
This is an interesting statement made by Peter. When writing this, I believe that Peter had a mental picture of an example of being clothed with humility. I believe it is the key to becoming a Biblical leader.
Look at the following passage.
John 13:4 He riseth from supper, and laid aside his garments; and took a towel, and girded himself.
5 After that he poureth water into a bason, and began to wash the disciples' feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded.
I believe the wording is specific. I believe that he had girded himself. (Clothed with humility)
Basically he was saying, you can wipe your feet on me.
Please continue.
6 Then cometh he to Simon Peter: and Peter saith unto him, Lord, dost thou wash my feet?
7 Jesus answered and said unto him, What I do thou knowest not now; but thou shalt know hereafter.
8 Peter saith unto him, Thou shalt never wash my feet. Jesus answered him, If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with me.
9 Simon Peter saith unto him, Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my head.
10 Jesus saith to him, He that is washed needeth not save to wash his feet, but is clean every whit: and ye are clean, but not all.
11 For he knew who should betray him; therefore said he, Ye are not all clean.
12 So after he had washed their feet, and had taken his garments, and was set down again, he said unto them, Know ye what I have done to you?
13 Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am.
14 If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another's feet.
15 For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.
He was the elder giving an example to the younger men, soon to be exalted to “elder.”
16 Verily, verily, I say unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him.
Of course, Christ was exalted. We see him in Revelation chapter 1 with a golden girdle.
He upgraded. He has been exalted.
Now let me make this practical.
The ministry or “working with people” can be very “dirty.” For the young men to become leaders they should watch the example of the leaders. How well can you let people wipe their feet on you?
That is being clothed with humility so that one can be exalted from being a younger to an elder or from being a follower to a leader.
The day of “exaltation” will be the day that you can clothe yourself in humility and allow others to clean their feet on you.
I am reminded of a story that Bro. Schaap told about a conversation that he had with Bro. Hyles. After Bro. Hyles told Bro. Schaap of how a certain church member had treated him recently, Bro. Schaap made the statement:
“People treat you like a door mat; they just wipe their feet on you.”
Bro. Hyles responded, “Yes, isn’t great?”
Perhaps that’s why Bro. Hyles was one of the greatest leaders of all time and why he was exalted to be such a great “elder.”
Do you wish to be a greater leader? Greatness lies in being “clothed in humility.” Our example of being clothed in humility is John 13 when Jesus allowed the disciples to clean their feet on him. The ministry is allowing “people to wipe their feet on you”.
The ministry is serving. The greater the leader means that you serve more people.
-Dan Hubbard
Friday, November 11, 2011
October Prayer Letter 2011
Dear Praying Friends, November 1, 2011
As snow falls in the Northeast and temperatures drop back home, the sun is shining bright in southern California. This past month has been a whirlwind! We began the month in Alaska, finishing up a wonderful four-week trip. I am so amazed at the number of great churches in Alaska! We have been blessed to rub shoulders with some phenomenal pastors and truly great Christians. It was hard to get on the plane to head back to the continental U.S., but our journey must continue.
After landing at O’Hare, we spent about 20 hours at home! We regrouped and loaded up the car to head out West. Last month a precious church in Kansas took us on for support without ever meeting us! We were able to go to Kansas, spend the weekend with them, and then head to southern California. With the exception of one meeting, we will be in California for the next three weeks before heading home for Thanksgiving. Jessica and I will definitely be looking forward to the holidays in order to catch our breath! God is so good, and I am very grateful for our full schedule. All in all, October took us to Alaska, Kansas, and California and a total of eleven churches.
I am so thankful for the opportunities God gives us to share the Gospel. Our soul winning was very different last month. However, God still allowed us to see 10 people trust Christ. Just after our arrival in California, I went to a Jiffy Lube in Long Beach to get my oil changed. As I was checking in my car, Tuy, a young Asian man, was amazed at my mileage. He asked what I did for a living, and I told him. He was amazed that I would do that! I handed him a tract and began to tell him why I do what I do. After several minutes, Tuy put his faith and trust in Jesus Christ! He was so excited, he took two more tracts and gave them to two of his coworkers. I was able to witness to the young lady, Liza; and although she didn’t trust Christ, a seed was planted. Seeing the enthusiasm of someone who first realizes the love of Christ, I wonder why everyone doesn’t share the love of Christ!
God continues to show Himself strong in our deputation. So many churches across the country have “caught” our vision for the people of Peru. After just 10 months, God has blessed us with 67% of our needed support! I am so grateful for every church and individual that has invested in us. I would especially like to thank Concord Baptist Church in Delaware, Harvest Baptist Church in California, and Northern Lights Baptist Church in Alaska for taking us on for support in the month of October. My wife and I are honored to represent so many fine people in the country of Peru.
I count it such a high privilege to serve God as a missionary! There is no greater call, I believe, then being able to share the Gospel with those who have never heard. While in Kansas, I was standing by our display table showing our pictures to several children. One of them was a young girl whose family lived in Vietnam. As she
looked through our pictures, she asked why I was going to tell the people in Peru about Jesus. As I explained to her, she let out a huge sigh, and said, “I wish someone would go to Vietnam and tell my family about Jesus.” Oh, the dagger that shot through my heart! If all of God’s people had that childlike faith, I wonder what a difference would be made in this world!
Thank you for your prayers and friendship. The many friends we have made and other missionary families we have met while on deputation have made this journey such a joy. Please keep in contact with us, as we will with you. Our website,, is up and running, as well as our team and personal Facebook pages. We want everyone to be as updated as much as possible with our progress and God’s goodness. God bless you!
Your ambassadors to Peru,
Junior and Jessica Martin
Romans 9:3
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Martin Family Prayer Letter for September 2011
Dear Praying Friends, October 1, 2011
Greetings from beautiful Alaska! As I write this letter, we have just finished our first of four weeks in Alaska. This is a trip we have been looking forward to for a very long time. I have said it before, but I often wonder how many of these wonderful trips we would have taken had it not been for deputation. Besides the wildlife, snowy mountains, and vibrant fall colors, there are many great churches here with an amazing burden for missions. So glad this trip has just begun!
There is so much this fall season brings. Many churches across the country seem to have their missions conferences between September and November. Conferences are always exciting to take part in. I’m glad we are able to attend many this season. Besides these, our schedule is full of several individual meetings as well. Prasie the Lord! In September our travels took us to eight churches in Maine, Connecticut, and Alaska. We enjoyed being able to spend some time with many of our dear friends from college, great pastors, sweet missionary families, as well as making many new friends at each church.
I wanted to share an amazing story with you. While in Maine one Saturday, we were out bus calling. As we got to the end of our street, there were a few apartments around a small courtyard. As we knocked on one of the doors, a young lady and her two young boys came to the door. As we introduced ourselves to her and handed her a tract, she said, “You’re the one that can answer my questions. I’ve been waiting for you!” To make a very long story short, Jessica and I spent about 45 minutes in her home answering a lot of questions and dealing with a ton of hurt. I’ve never had someone who had never been to church quote the plan of salvation along with me. She had been searching for so long but would not believe that Christ would take her just as she was. She did not get saved but promised to come to church the next day. Sunday morning came, and we picked her and the boys up on the bus and took them to church. At the invitation, she asked if Jesus really would take her just as she was. Yes!! With tear-filled eyes, she put her faith in Christ! Glory to God! Aren’t you glad that He took you just as you were! I wish I could write more, but there is simply not enough space! Overall, we were able to see 13 people saved this month. God is so good.
Thank you again to all of our faithful supporters. Deputation and our ministry in Peru would not possible without you. To date, we are at 55% of our needed support. God continues to supply! I am so grateful to the many churches and people who have caught our vision to get the Gospel to South America. I would like to especially thank our most recent supporters, Blessed Hope Baptist Church in Michigan and Amazing Grace Baptist Church in Kansas. We are that much closer!
On a final note, I would be remiss if I neglected to mention one very
important event from this past month. Any man in the ministry knows that an essential part of every ministry is a good wife (Proverbs 18:22). One may think he is a great, productive man of God; but if he does not have a supportive, holy, encouraging, and Christ-honoring wife, his ministry will always be hampered. I am so very thankful that God has blessed me with a wife who is all those things and many more. At the beginning of this month, Jessica and I celebrated our seventh wedding anniversary! Nothing I do now on deputation or one day in Peru would be possible without her by my side. God has been so good to me.
Your ambassadors to Peru,
Junior and Jessica Martin
Romans 9:3
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Szabatin Update September/October 2011
Spring has arrived as we begin to celebrate our second month in Peru. The sun has been out more, everything is not soaking wet every morning, and the air is warming up. This has been a great encouragement.
Our language school continues to go well; Hermano Victor Ocampo is a very good and patient teacher. He takes the time to help us understand not just what we are saying but how and why we are saying it. As well, we have been working on the Romans Road in Spanish, and we almost have it down. This has been a point of frustration, as I love sharing the Gospel, but here in Peru I have felt like a man standing in the desert unable to tell thirsty people I have a water truck.
We go soul winning every Saturday; and my soul-winning partner, Hermano Alfredo, and I have shared the Gospel with many people. We have also seen some get saved, and a couple of them have come out to church. The Devil is very active in South America. Last Saturday as we were re-visiting some of our new contacts, there were almost a dozen Jehovah’s Witnesses out passing their heresy. I almost felt outnumbered, but Scripture came to mind. “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” (I John 4:4)
We continued on, and in a half hour we were sitting in the living room of another man rejoicing that he was asking Jesus Christ to save him. Getting around Peru is usually accomplished in a combi, which is a van not much bigger than a minivan with the ability to seat as many as 25 (very tightly). This also gives us the opportunity to pass out tracts and speak to people. Talk about a captive audience!
Josiah has been adapting very well. He has been participating in the Teen Department in many different ways. He helps on a bus route on Sunday mornings; he was in a drama at the recent youth conference. He had many late nights helping them get things ready. His school material just arrived the other day, so he will also be starting school in the next few days. (He is so thrilled!)
We are looking forward to celebrating Canadian Thanksgiving in October. We plan on getting a turkey and all the trimmings. This will be a busy month for celebrations, as it is Josiah’s 15th birthday on the 2nd, Danica-Lee’s 20th birthday on the 5th, and Andrea’s !! birthday on the 14th. (Sorry, but I can’t tell you how young she is.)
We have had a few people ask us about sending things down to Peru for Christmas and what we miss or would want. While we do not want to have anyone feel obligated, I thought I should put this list out all at once for everyone.
Andrea: Christmas decorations; Orange Chocolate; Junior Mints; Snickers; Mars Bars; Almond Joys; Kettle Corn Popcorn; chocolate chips; peanut butter (creamy); Advil; running shoes, Size 7; knee-high trouser socks (no, she doesn’t wear trousers); flat, black dress shoes, Size 7; slippers, Size 7; Scrabble; Clinique liquid cover-up, color-fair; Clinique eye shadow, colors-brown, mauve, and plum; Clinique mascara, color-brown or black.
Paul: Fast Break Chocolate Bars; Hershey Chocolate Bars; Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups; Icy Squares; pre-sweetened Kool-Aid; running shoes, Size 12 wide; men’s white undershirts, large; Reese’s Puffs cereal, Lay’s Ketchup Potato Chip (yes, this is a real Canadian thing); men’s white tube socks; black dress tube socks; black dress shoes, Size 12 wide; slippers, Size 12; Jelly Belly Jelly Beans; left-handed baseball glove (to play catch with Josiah; he has his own already).
Josiah: men’s white tube socks; black dress tube socks (just what every teenager wants for Christmas); men’s white undershirts, small to medium; running shoes, Size 10 ; men’s dress shirts, 15½-inch neck, colored; Milky Ways; Reese’s Pieces; peanut butter (creamy); hot chocolate; Earl Grey Green Tea (or regular); camera (his last one died); slippers, Size 10; jeans, size 30-inch waist, 32-inch length; basketball; men’s lightweight winter coat, medium.
Danica-Lee will more than likely be spending Christmas in the United States. As a college student in her third year, she has many different needs. Her e-mail address is She would know best what she needs.
Family needs: Bounce dryer sheets; queen-size bed sheets; twin-size bed sheets; bath towels; tea towels; face cloths; and hand towels. We love getting letters, Christmas cards, and pictures of you all.
Our mailing address in Peru is: Danica-Lee’s address in the USA is:
Paul Szabatin
Apartado 18-1280
Lima 18, Peru
South America
Danica-Lee Szabatin
8400 Burr Street
Box 746
Crown Point, IN 46307
Thank you again for your love, your friendship, your prayers, and your support. We appreciate you so much.
Because of Him,
Paul, Andrea, Danica-Lee, & Josiah
The Szabatin Family
Your Missionaries to Peru
I John 5:20
Friday, September 16, 2011
Observations of a Missionary's Wife on Deputation (The Serious Ones)
Sep 7
Posted by juniorsgirl
Woohoo!!! I am back in a part of the state where I have 3G capabilities. The past four days we stayed in the quaintest farm house, but there was nothing for miles. If I stood on one foot, my head tilted to the right, and the phone pointed toward the window, I could maybe get a text to go through, but internet was a distant memory. This happens quite often while traveling, but this would be part of the snarky ones so…moving on…
Now that I can access my blog again, I wanted to give you part two of my random posts. I started with the more humorous side of deputation. You can read that one here: . These are my good tips. Hope you enjoy.
1.) You will get to travel & see some of the most beautiful places in America. I would never have been to almost any of the sites we have seen if not for deputation. Bring a camera!!! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Capture it.
2.) You will get to spend oodles of quality time with your husband. I know what you’re thinking ladies, this is a snarky one. But you are sorely mistaken! Junior is my best friend. I enjoy every minute we get as we travel. I wouldn’t want to spend it with anyone else. Make sure you cherish it. You will miss is when you get to the mission field and he is busy in the work.
3.) You will become reacquainted with why you love America so much. You can’t travel through Boston and Philadelphia and not remember the great heritage we have. It’s impossible to drive past acre after acre of pure lushness in the prarie states and not marvel at God’s hand of blessing. The West is a perfect example of the hard working pioneering spirit of Americans. I am so proud to be an American. God bless the USA.
4.) You will get to see miracles. I could spend hour upon hour telling you all the ways God has come through for us. A life of faith can be scary, but oh so sweet! Be prepared for your faith to grow by leaps and bounds as you watch God take care of you in unexpected ways. ‘Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus! Just to take Him at His Word!’ ~ ‘Living by faith in Jesus above. Trusting, Confiding in His great love!”
5.) You will hear and meet and spend time with thee greatest preachers in the country. Take notes!!!! Even if it’s just when they call & invite you to dinner cause you’re in the area, you will want to remember their words of wisdom & advice. Your husband will take notes to steal the sermon outline. You will need to remember the rest. Soak it all in. It will be one of your life lines when on the foreign field.
6.) On that same note, you will get to meet some of the most amazing women in the ministries across the country. What an invaluable resource they have become for me! Not only take notes, but buy any books they may have. Milk them for their years of experience & wisdom. I have had cooking lessons, piano lessons, sewing tips, speaking advice, singing pointers from ladies who excel at these things! Getting the benefits of the masters. You could never get all of these ladies in one place to teach you what you can while on deputation. Don’t miss out!
7.) There will be multiple opportunities to be a blessing. It is such a good feeling to know that across the country we have helped start bus routes and our visitors are still coming, we have painted bathrooms, installed speaker systems, ran children’s churces, cleaned out buildings, had all night prayer meetings, and all around loved people everywhere we went. You will feel like you leave a piece of your heart each place you visit.
8.) Deputation is the Refiner’s Fire. You will be overwhelmed at the vision for your field every time your husband presents it. You will feel inadequate. Unworthiness will haunt you as you are showered with praise and admiration at the churches you visit. As painful as it may be, being humbled is so good for you. Don’t shy away from it. God just wants to bring you forth as gold.
9.) You will begin to realize what is truly important. All those things that you couldn’t live without and you cried when you had to sell them ~ now that you’ve been on the road for a few months have lost their hold on you. They weren’t a necessity at all. Your relationships become more meaningful and possessions are forgotten. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also…
10.) The unsung heroes of Christianity will cross your path daily. The ones who will never speak at a national conference or write books, or receive grand recognition with plaques and statues, but those who are the most genuine, selfless, unassuming Christ-like individuals you will ever know. I am so glad I have been able to meet them this side of eternity. Oh, the crowns they will receive in heaven! And I can already picture them quietly laying them all at Jesus’ feet.
Did I make you want to be a missionary??? Good! Come to Peru! I can honestly say it is an amazing life God has given me.
I am so blessed…
~ Jessica
*You can see all of Jessica's posts on her blog
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Observations of a Missionary’s Wife on Deputation (The Snarky Ones) ;)
Observations of a Missionary’s Wife on Deputation (The Snarky Ones) ;)
Posted by juniorsgirl
I think every blogger has the right to a completely random post every now and again. If that is not true, please leave me in my state of wrongness. For these are mine.
I am breaking my randomness up into two posts. Both are my “observations” or “tips” on deputation. This one is the sarcastic & silly one. I don’t even know if anyone will read this, but to the faithful few, I ask to please remember the spirit this was written in. Just a cute way to poke fun of some of my mistakes & experiences. Hope you enjoy…
Random Observations:
1.) You will have to go to the bathroom immediately upon seeing the highway sign: ” Next Rest Area: 119 miles.” Be prepared for an extended time of discomfort. **Adult diapers could also be a way to go in this situation. Not for me…but to each her own.
2.) Churches need to get some type of activities director so when we get together we have things to do besides…EAT!!! Until that happens, buy clothes two sizes too big. You will fit them by month eight. <<< True. Story.
3.) When taking a nice hot shower, without fail the prophet’s chamber hot water heater will break as soon as your head is covered in shampoo suds. You can count on it. Take it to the bank.
4.) On the few occasions the pastor calls you up to the platform, you WILL trip on something invisible and stumble. Don’t try to fight it. Just fall gracefully & with a smile preferably.
5.) Somewhere along mile 4,628, you will start playing those car games that used to drive you crazy when your parents tried to play them with you on family vacations. Now you will wonder why you ever despised them. Thy are such a fun way to pass the time.
6.) You will start collections of some kind. Whether magnets in the shapes of every state, t-shirts with every state’s motto printed on them (I.e. “Iowa is thee I-O-WAY to go), or 50 keychains attached to your two keys…whatever your momentos may be – you will have so many, there will no longer be room for your luggage. *It’s usually the husband’s stuff that gets cut back so your three suitcases for your shoes are safe.
7.) You will wake up and have NO idea where you are. On the days you have traveled through multiple states, it gets confusing! If this happens, you can do one of the following: if there’s a tv where you are, check the news. They usually say the city name; if no tv, and you have good reception, check Google on your smartphone. It can pinpoint your location. *creepy. I know. But at least you won’t be lost anymore. If no reception and no tv, pray. Pray that someone around you says the name of where you are before you meet the pastor.
8.) Plans will change!!! Suddenly you wont be going to relax at a hotel, you will be speaking at a ladies meeting. Always keep a back-up pair of nylons handy. You will need them for when you run the first pair while changing in the car. Scratch that. Have TWO back-ups. Trust Me.
9.) YOU WILL SING. Can’t carry a tune in a bucket? You will sing. Have excrutiating stage fright? You will sing. Have laryngitis? Just croak it out, sister! I suggest carrying music with you. Something you are somewhat familiar & comfortable with because ~ you. will. sing.
10.) After about church # 37, you will have your video & your husband’s presentation memorized. Try not to mouth the words along with him or the video. People will notice and will ask you to quote it later in front of a large crowd. Just for kicks & grins. <<< Another. True. Story.
I wanted to put a after all of these so you would remember to read them in the attitude intended, but I didn’t want to over- emoticon you. Hope these brought at least a smirk to your face! Life is so hard if you can’t laugh at yourself!!!
Stay tuned for “The Serious Ones.” Coming Soon! Happy Weekend!
Love ~ Jessica
**You can see all of Jessica's posts on her blog
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
July-August Prayer Letter

For His glory,
Friday, August 26, 2011
Szabatin Update July/Aug 2011
July/August 2011
Dear Pastor and Praying Friends,

win prizes, and hear the Gospel being preached. Josiah got dressed up like Mickey Mouse and quickly got into character, running up and down the street giving high fives and shaking the hands of the children. He enjoyed it a lot, and it was great to see the kids coming out of their homes and hear them screaming: “ES MICKEY MOUSE!” Within a half hour, we had 75 children all participating and listening to the preaching, and many of the children received Jesus Christ as their Saviour.
Our Spanish-language training went well while we were in Mexico. We learned many new words and have started putting broken sentences together.
As July ended, we were sad to say goodbye to all the friends we had made while in Mexico, but we were also excited that we were finally heading to Peru. Our flight went well, and we arrived just a few hours before the deaf services started at Iglesia Bautista Efata. As soon as we got in, we ran out and bought a bed and a few small appliances. It was the first time in two years we had bought anything for a home we could call our own. The very next day, the Hubbards and the Fousts arrived, and by Friday we were scouting out the city.