December 2011
Dear Supporting Churches and Praying Friends,
What an exciting time we’ve had since our last letter. It’s hard to believe we could fit so much in to such a short amount of time. We started November with a great conference in Durham, North Carolina. We had a beautiful drive down and a refreshing time with Pastor Finley and his family. We were so blessed and challenged by this great church that works all year long preparing for their missions conference.
At the “Missionary Christmas,” we got loaded with gifts that we could never imagine buying for ourselves. All we could say was, “WOW!” One of the greatest sights of the week was the “Missionary Parade.” Each of the missionary families supported by their church was represented by a child carrying a sign with the family name and field of service. It was for me a great visual of the global impact for Christ one church of faithful people is having.
We loved being way down South in Thaxton, Mississippi, at Watchmen Baptist Church. What a great time we had soul winning with faithful people truly excited about what God is doing.
We enjoyed our last Thanksgiving Stateside with my family and were encouraged by visiting missions-minded churches nearby. What a privilege to see so many churches increasing their vision for world missions.
We enjoyed a great service with Calvary Baptist in Canton, Illinois. Please pray for Audrey, the pastor’s granddaughter, as she continues to heal form heart surgery.
I was asked to accompany a ten-day training trip to see our team’s work in Ghana, West Africa. I was touched by how happy the team members are serving the Lord in what I saw as very difficult conditions. The team could only talk of their love and respect for each other and excitement at the growth in their disciples and converts. I was struck by how well-trained their national soul winners were and the thrill with which the college students learn the Bible. Bro. Isaac accompanied me soul winning and was a passionate soul winner and excellent translator. We saw three people trust Christ that day. During our time there, we had the privilege of preaching in public schools and conducting a village service, with hundreds raising their hands for salvation.
We ended our travels before the holidays at Community Baptist of Smiths Creek, Michigan. We were thrilled as the church voted to take us on before I said anything. I wanted to sit down quietly before I opened my mouth and messed it up. We would like to thank Fellowship Baptist Church in Durham, International Baptist Church in New York, Watchmen Baptist Church in Mississippi, and Valley Baptist Church in Arizona, as well as Mrs. Hines-Stringer, for their new support and gifts.
God is blessing wonderfully. There is no way letters could contain it all. Our ministry would not be possible without your faithful support. We have enjoyed meeting you all and hope our paths cross again.
His for souls,
Zach, Karin, Zachary, Caleb, and Logan Foust
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