“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine…”
Weeeeeee’re Baaaaaaaaack! Oh, how deputation has missed us! :) After having to cancel all of our meetings in December & most in January, we were able to have our first meeting since the accident. Ok… so it was only about 40 minutes from our house, but we did it! I don’t know if we will ever get back to being out on 7 or 8 week trips, in different churches Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, but we are starting again to take steps toward Peru. I’m not gonna lie… it felt pretty good.
We really enjoyed the meeting. The pastor & his sweet wife were so understanding and kind. We had so much fun! We laughed & joked with all of the bus kids and church folks. I smiled the whole time. I knew this because my cheeks were killing me after the service! I have a couple of fractures in my cheek bones and let me tell you ~ I felt ‘em. Alot. We were on our way to lunch with the pastor and I was digging through my Mary Poppins type purse (I’ve got everything in there! ) for some tylenol, when my mom {who had come to help us} began to tease me about smiling too much. Junior joined in and just as they were ganging up on me, I made sure to note: “Well, this doesn’t say alot about the two of you. If I haven’t had pain like this before today, it must mean neither of you make me smile and you’re not funny. At all.”
I was kidding. Sort of. But it got me to thinking. We truly have had alot of fun together since the accident. Now you have to understand, alot of things might seem as average happenings to most people, but there were alot of pills involved so we thought they were absolutely hilarious! You also have to factor in, that for the first few weeks, we didn’t get out much. Well, not at all really. So, that might have something to do with why we now think the other is the funniest person alive. Crazy… maybe. But it made for lots of fun times.
At the hospital in Nevada, the therapist gave Junior what he calls “the grabber”. It’s a metal thing-a-majig {technical term} with a button that moves a hook on the end to pick stuff up for him. One day, I was walking by his chair, and he pinched me with the grabber. I went to snatch it out of his hand when I lost my balance and fell into the chair. The recliner then completely flipped us both backwards ~ go ahead. *insert fat joke here* . We were both on the ground, laughing so hard. Junior even had tears in his eyes. Actually, that might’ve been from his leg with pieces of metal sticking out of it now being suspended in air… nah! It was definitely from laughing!
Everywhere we go shopping, I love watching Junior use the electric scooters. I seriously just laughed right now thinking about it! I have lost feeling in part of my lip from where it was sown back together, and without fail, every time I take a drink, it doesn’t all make it in! I spill on myself every day. At least this has made me drink lots more water! Must. Save. The Clothes. Junior does a great old man impression as he tries to get through the crowds at church on his walker. We have all of these inside jokes now. We have bonded on a whole new level. We are constantly cracking each other up ~ even though laughing hurts my ribs, it’s totally worth it!
We have been spoiled, too! Thank you to all of our really awesome friends that came to visit us and brought a happy spirit with you. Thank you to every person which sent us a gift! The Edible Arrangements, flowers {especially all the gorgeous ROSES }, homemade goodies, chocolates {my weakness }, more flowers, gift cards, teddy bears… we were overwhelmed with your tokens of love. Thank you to everyone who sent a card. Words are powerful. All of your kind written words made us smile. Same for all of you that called or sent messages, texts, & e-mails. You all have lightened our hearts, brought joy, and made our hearts oh so merry.
Don’t get me wrong. I don’t want to paint the picture that we are always all smiles and the pain just brings a laugh a minute. That would not be honest. We have our moments of frustration. There have been many tears. But I am so glad we are able to laugh. That smiles are common. That a joyful current always flows even if the moment happens to be sad or filled with pain. I believe it has helped us heal. It may not have fixed my husband’s ankle or mended my cuts and bruises, but it has aided in putting back together what was injured on the inside. Sometimes that is the hardest to heal. God is so smart to tell us about the medicine that no doctor here could ever give us.
“The JOY of the LORD is my strength…”
Attitude Is Everything.
~ Jessica
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