Monday, September 10, 2012

August Prayer Letter from the Kokubuns

Dear Friends,

The expression "Time flies when you’re having fun!" is such a reality in my life. There is nothing more satisfying than investing in other people. I feel as if I could write a book of all that has transpired since we arrived.

As of this writing, we are averaging in the 70s and 80s in our services. We just observed the Lord's Supper last Sunday night with 70 in attendance. It was one of the most powerful services we have had at Iglesia Bautista Internacional. Sitting at the piano, I could see dozens of brand-new Christians taking the elements for the very first time! God's presence was very evident as tears flowed down many young believers’ faces as they were overwhelmed with the truth of their salvation.

One of my favorite times of the whole week has become Saturday evenings. Saturdays are quickly becoming my favorite day because it is filled with teenage soul winning, music practice, activities, and a prayer meeting. There is nothing like hearing young people pray! After our weekly soccer game, all of our young people meet at the church to pray for the next day. This past Saturday, Carlos (the father of one of our youth girls) closed out our prayer meeting. When I looked up after he had prayed, he had tears in his eyes and a smile on his face.

This week we are starting a Bible study at my house with Carlos and his family. This will be the first time I will teach in Spanish! Pray for me. These baby Christians are so hungry for the things of God. I enjoy answering all their questions. Carlos told me the other day that he has already seen a change in his family since they have started attending our church.

Our little church on the corner is already filled to capacity. We have been praying and searching God's heart for another property. God has recently dropped a property in our laps that has a lot of potential. Please continue praying for IBI as we move on to another stage in our ministry. We are currently training the new believers through Bible studies in different homes.

There is no doubt in my mind that your prayers and support are making an eternal impact in South America. Each day gets more exciting. We can't wait for what God has for us in the future. My wife and I pray for you and love you very much.

Serving Him,

Daniel & Heather Kokubun

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