Dear Friends,
Since the name of the game Dodge Ball in English isn't thrilling enough, someone decided to spice it up in Spanish and call it "Kill people." The young people love it here and one Friday night this month we had 30 teenagers to show up in the park to play. The kids not only had a good time, but they got to taste "Mexican nachos" for the first time. My wife made all the fixings, and after several hours of play, we invited many of the new kids to the church to eat with us.
After a time of fellowship, I divided up several of my teenage young men and we witnessed to the visitors who had been attracted by our game of "Kill people." That night, seven young men bowed their heads and received Christ as their personal Savior. One of our faithful teenage boys, Josel, (Who I wrote about in our last letter) got to lead his first two souls to Christ that day. Our teenagers got pumped that night, and between Friday night and Saturday, our group was able to see 24 people get saved! It's amazing what God is doing here.
We're excited to announce that church number four began several weeks ago in a district nearby named Surco! Bro. Ezekiel Martinez is pastoring there, and for their first service they had 28 in attendance with two people saved. We have a solid group of people from our church who come from Surco each week, so there is a good core of people who are attending this church and helping Bro. Martinez!
Our church in Chorrillos is continuing to grow! Construction is constantly underway. We now have an all purpose room we are able to use for our children on Sunday mornings, and a nursery upstairs. Previously, we have been renting locations at places nearby. It's a blessing to have both of these new rooms on site with our church. Because Lima is such a night city, Sunday
evenings are usually when our biggest crowd shows up. It's exciting to see our building fill up with people! Last Sunday night, we had 4 visitors. The Peruvians we have trained to soul win are now turning around and training other Peruvians to soul win. So when it came time for invitation, we had them separated in groups of three: the visitor, soul winner, and trainee. What a blessing it is to see growth in the lives of these new Peruvian believers.
We just recently finished our third in home Bible study. We are excited to begin our fourth in just a couple of weeks. On a personal note, we have been very busy packing up boxes and preparing for a move! God recently opened up the door for us to move into the city. The most exciting part of this move is that it will allow us to be closer to the people; the people we came here to reach.
Thank you for your continued prayers concerning our ministry. We could not do what we do without each of you.
Serving Him,
Daniel and Heather
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