Dear Praying Friends,
Thank you for your faithful prayers! This month we have again seen God do miracles! At the beginning of the month, one of the men of our team, Bro. Zach Foust, went down to Southern Peru to visit the two young men who attended our seminary January-March. Our team gave Alan and Fernando intense training during the time they were here. They returned to their home town excited and ready to start their own Bible studies. While we had been praying for their Bible studies, Bro. Foust notified us upon his arrival that they were no longer studies; instead they both have started churches! Bro. Foust had the opportunity to preach in their churches and train their members how to reach others for Christ!
During Bro. Foust's absence, we were blessed with the opportunity to go soul winning at his church plant with our teenagers. San Gabriel is a district of Lima that is up in the mountains. It's about 45 minutes away from our main church in Chorrillos. The people there are so sweet and very open to the Gospel. The Lord blessed our group in a special way that day, as 19 people bowed their heads to receive Christ.
Thank you for praying for us! Since last month's letter, God has answered several requests specifically, and I'm pleased to share one of those with you! We asked for prayer for Luis, who was starting a new Bible study in San Genaro II. His study has not only grown, but they have grown out of the home in which they were meeting! They have already located a larger building in which they can continue meeting. Seven families faithfully attend his study. Each of those families now attends our main church in Chorrillos. They are currently learning to win souls, usher, and serve in many other capacities. They hope, in the near future, to be able to start a church in their own area! Praise the Lord!
Although we are thrilled with everything that God is doing here, we are constantly reminded of how much more must be accomplished. Every day we see hundreds of people is in this busy city of Lima. Each and every one of them needs a Saviour. Each one has a story, a life, and a family that needs God. Please pray that God will continue to build His church and that many will be reached for His kingdom here in Lima, Peru. Thank you for partnering with us in the ministry. We appreciate you!
In His service,
Daniel and Heather Kokubun
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