Dear Praying friends,
Here in Peru during July and August God has been doing marvelous things before our eyes. All four churches here in Lima are moving forward with increased attendances, souls saved, and baptisms. One of the biggest blessings with all of our churches is that many more of our people are coming out soul winning with us. Many more of our converts are winning souls than ever before. Another blessing was celebrating our first anniversary Sunday for our church in Chorrillos, Lima. We had 242 in attendance with 34 saved and 7 baptized. A week or so later, our team member, Zach Foust, went to Arequipa to visit 2 men that came to us in January and February for training. Brother Foust found out that both men had started a church. Both churches are running a congregation of 40 or more every Sunday. Our team as a whole has been showered by the blessings of God!
The showers of God’s blessings have been on our family and our work as well. Construction on the church has been moving forward as well as my Spanish. In the last 2 months I have personally led 35 souls to Christ, and my wife has led 12 souls to Christ. Together we host a Saturday soul winning team, Team Villa Marina. Our team, including our children, consists on average of 8 people out soul winning on a weekly basis. The last 2 months our team has had more than 45 souls saved and many visitors in church. We have enjoyed many other blessings. I am now teaching Sunday school in our Junior Church on a weekly basis, we now have a weekly Bible study with our construction workers, and we are enjoying our monthly visits to the midwife.
Thank you all for your prayers during our trip to Ecuador. As many of you know we had to leave the country to renew our visas. God took this curse and turned it into the best family vacation we’ve ever had together. While in Ecuador we saw 5 souls saved and visited a church of like faith.
Another trip that we would like to share with you is my trip to Jauja. My soul winning partner, John, told me that he wanted to go visit his family in Jauja to witness to them. Jauja is an 8 hour bus ride through the mountains from Lima. I told him to seek his pastor’s counsel about this, and so he did. Two days after he left; I joined him to survey the city for Baptist churches for his family and the possibilities of starting churches there. Before I arrived, John had already won 16 of his family members to Christ. We then found 3 Baptist churches there that were excited about the possibility of working with our church planting ministry. We also had a Bible Study on the last day there. John taught a Bible study for the first time and led his aunt to Christ during the study. In total we saw 24 souls saved during our half week trip. Let me tell you something, brother, “GOD IS GOOD!”
We just have a few prayer requests. Please pray for Sarah’s pregnancy to continue well. She is 4 months now. Please pray that the cheaper apartment we found will be ready for us to move in by the end of September. Please pray for the Spiritual growth of our disciples. Thank you all for your tangible help along the way. Also, thank you for your intangible help of love and prayer. We are seeing God do great works. Please pray that He will continue to work through us. God bless you.
Thank you,
Mark, Sarah, Savannah,
Paul, & one more Rader
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