Dear Praying Friends,
June is finally here! Jessica and I have been counting down the days for this month to arrive. On June 18, we will be making the drive up to Toronto and then flying to Lima. Reality is setting in! We are saying our good-byes and getting everything in order to move to Peru. Thank you to all of you who have prayed and invested in us. I cannot wait to get busy doing what God has called us to do.
May has been incredibly busy and productive. As I mentioned in our last letter, our entire team assembled to undergo some intense training and to begin preparing for the work in Peru. It was so exciting to go through each phase of our plan of starting 10,000 churches! I enjoyed being able to spend time with each of our team families. We participated in team building exercises and games, which taught us the value of communication and trust. In addition, we also loaded up our container for shipping. We finished packing up all of our belongings, as well as some items for the church: folding chairs, tables, PA equipment, hymnals, tracts, and Bibles. The month gave us a small glimpse into what working together in Peru will be like.
We also had our send-off services for both our English and Spanish churches. Our English send-off was a very special service, as this was also my ordination service. There is something very humbling and challenging as my Pastor, missions director, team leader, and many deacons laid their hands on me and prayed for God’s blessing and power on me and the ministry in Peru. In our Spanish send-off service, Pastor DeAnda put on a grand service. Our team sang with the choir, Jessica sang with the church’s ladies’ ensemble, and I, along with a few other men from the team, preached. This service also ended with many of the men praying over us. Hearing the men whose people you are going to reach pray over you is truly an unforgettable moment in time.
Being home this entire month, we enjoyed being able to spend time with many of our church people, as well as get involved in many of our ministries. I was able to teach in three Spanish adult classes, drvie for one of our Spanish bus routes, and go soul winning with our team. One Saturday in particular, I was knocking doors in Blue Island, Illinois, with Bro. Dan Hubbard. After making several visits, I met a teenage boy named Alexis. After talking to him for several minutes, Alexis bowed his head and trusted Christ. A few houses down, I struck up a conversation with Miguel, who was in his driveway working on his car. His three small children, who were playing in a plastic swimming pool, ran over and began talking our ears off! Miguel seemed very interested in our church, so once his wife came out, I began playing with the kids as Bro. Dan continued answering their questions. After nearly an hour, Miguel and Gabby prayed and asked Christ into their heart! I have so many stories, if only space allowed. I am so thankful for the 7 people God allowed us to see saved this month.
Thank you to all of you who have had a part in our ministry. God has answered so many prayers, supplied so many needs, and blessed in so many ways. Whether you have partnered with us through your prayers, kind letters and e-mails, or your financial support, I am very grateful to you. I am especially grateful to Lighthouse Baptist Church in Michigan and Agape Baptist Church in Missouri for their pledge of support this month. I cannot wait to share reports of Peruvians saved and churches planted in Peru.
Please remember us in your prayers. This month will be an emotional one, with all the feelings that come with saying farewell but also all that comes with the joy of being in God’s will and beginning our adventure in Peru. It will be impossible to describe how incredible it will be to finally be able to love the people there. We have loved them through prayer and fasting these many months, but now we will actually get to see their faces. I can’t wait to send our next prayer letter to you from our home in Lima! I love serving Jesus!
Your ambassadors to Peru,
Junior and Jessica Martin
Romans 9:3
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